10 persuasive writing topics: business communication

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A persuasive essay is an essay that uses reason along with logic so the person reading it can see that one idea is more justifiable than another idea. The purpose of a persuasive essay is to influence the reader to take on a particular viewpoint or to adopt a certain action. It is imperative that the persuasive essay has solid evidence and sound reasoning.


To write a persuasive essay is not a big deal since a persuasive essay outline is simple to follow: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

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10 essay topics on business communication

1. Business communication skills every office employee needs.

2. Business administration: recruitment as a tool for achieving higher productivity.

3. Role of communication in an organization.

4. Virtual business vs. brick-and-mortar business.

5. A corporate culture increases employee motivation.

6. Is it ethical to leave a company to work for a competitor? 

7. Brainstorming as a tool to boost the company’s productivity. 

8. Should companies refuse to hire candidates who smoke?

9. Customers’ critique may serve as the best way to improve. 

10. The dress code is unnecessary for office employees.

If you need more persuasive essay topics here is a great list of the most popular topics of 2017.


All these topics may help you get started writing your own essay. If you consider your writing assignment a waste of your time place an order to get an instant quote on our website.

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