Persuasive writing topics: 10 catchy ideas for essays on college life

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A persuasive essay is an essay that uses reason along with logic so the person reading it can see that one idea is more justifiable than another idea. The purpose of a persuasive essay is to influence the reader to take on a particular viewpoint or to adopt a certain action. It is imperative that the persuasive essay has solid evidence and sound reasoning.


To write a persuasive essay is not a big deal since a persuasive essay outline is simple to follow: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

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10 persuasive essay topics on college life

1. Sports in college: should there be less or much emphasis?

2. Should there be much attention to the cheating practice in college?

3. Life after college: what goes after the college graduation announcements?

4. Are skills obtained in college useful for working in a profession?

5. College graduation: what are the main things to focus your attention on?

6. What are the reasons for college bullying?

7. How crucial is a college education?

8. How do college fraternities affect the lives of students?

9. Are there better ways of admission to the college?

10. Peer pressure is good for self-development.

If you need more persuasive essay topics here is a great list of the most popular topics of 2017.


If you are to write a persuasive essay on college life and don’t feel like researching the topic, we are here to help you. Place an order, and our professionals will write a great paper for you.

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