10 steps to write a book report
It’s important for you as a student to learn how to write a book report on a college level because you will use it beyond your graduate degree. Following the list of steps in writing a great book report we offer can help you in getting a high grade. But we offer more than just a list of steps to take. OZessay is ready to help you in writing a winning book report. Place your order here, and be sure to get an A.
Step 1. Make sure to read the entire book. For a complete analysis, you can’t skim through the book. Highlight important passages and take notes as you go.
Step 2. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the subject the author is conveying. You want to verify you understand his approach as well.
Step 3. Quickly review other reviews of the book. This will help you narrow down interesting topics for your own paper. Search through credible sources such as scholarly sources.
Step 4. Determine your thesis statement. This should be summed up in one or two sentences and give your audience a clear understanding of where you stand in your argument. Your theme needs to be specific to the author’s theme, writing style, or about relevant characters.
Step 5. Gather your credible sources and specific quotes you want to use. Your professor will state in your guidelines the minimum and maximum you should include.
Step 6. Using your notes, assessments and reviews, outline your argument, making sure it clearly supports your thesis.
Step 7. Now, you will outline your report. Make sure you have at least three supporting points of your thesis statement in the body of your report.
Step 8. Sit down and write your report based on your outline and research materials gathered. This is considered a draft, so it does not need to be perfect at all.
Step 9. Edit and proof your work. If possible, have another peer review your report and offer feedback.
Step 10. Make sure to adequately cite your sources. To be successful in college, plagiarism should be avoided at all costs. Your professor will indicate his preferred citation method.
If you are struggling with your book report, OZessay is the company that is happy to help 24/7. We are in this business since 2006 and have the expertise required to come up with a text of any complexity level. Our expert writers will happily assist you with your assignment, so don’t hesitate – order a paper today!